
Brixton Town Centre Director scoops top award

Steph Butcher, Brixton’s Town Centre Director is a champion – and that’s official. She was named Champion of the Year at the Association of Town Centre Managers annual awards.

The award is handed out to the person who has excelled in giving support to their locality, acted as a driving force in setting up new partnerships or revitalised an existing structure.

Steph’s award is recognition of the transformation she has brought about in Brixton. Her newly created post is unique in the council for its cross-discipline working across a range of partner organisations and services, including transport, business, community safety and the Metropolitan Police Service

Steph has been the driving force behind many of the positive changes that have taken place in Brixton and she has gained the confidence and support of local residents, market traders, external partners and other council departments in pushing forward the changes. She introduced the Brixton Issues Group which has members from a range of organisations and service areas – it ensures that issues are identified and addressed quickly and effectively. The group has already made a difference on things like graffiti, crime and anti-social behaviour such as street drinking.

The area has fast become a place that people want to visit and shop in, and businesses are seeking out the area as a base, similarly the evening and night time economy is beginning to flourish – even during these financially challenging times.

Steph says: “It’s a real honour to have won this award – particularly as this project is just over a year old. The Brixton Town Centre initiative has many distinctive features but the most important element has been to bring together a wide range of different skills and strengths – all from existing resources – to deal quickly and efficiently with Brixton’s unique aspects.

“I couldn’t do what I do without the help and support of a wide range of colleagues and partners from the council, community and partner agencies, so I need to say a big thank you to all of them”.


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