
Keybridge House plan brings homes, jobs and site for a new school

Lambeth council has given the go ahead for the redevelopment of the  Keybridge House site in Vauxhall that will bring over 100 jobs, 419 new homes and space secured for a new two-form entry primary school to meet additional demand generated by the area’s predicted population growth.

The building, formerly a purpose built telecommunications centre operated by BT will be demolished. Five new blocks rising from four to 36-storeys in height will be a mix of residential, retail and office space. Two of the blocks will be 73m  and 128m high respectively.

The scheme will see substantial public realm improvements along Wyvil Road and Miles Street.

Councillors agreed that in order to secure the land for the new school, they would accept a reduced affordable housing offer subject to a thorough viability assessment. Nineteen  affordable family size homes will be provided, all with outside amenity space.

Cllr Lib Peck, Lambeth council leader, said: “This scheme obviously falls short of the affordable housing we would normally accept but in exchange the council has secured the site for a primary school. Robust and independent viability assessments show that this is actually a good deal for local people, and allows us to plan sensibly for future pressure on school places.

“The affordable homes that are included will be of a very high standard and are big enough for families which is  what we need most in the borough.”


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